Sertainty Services API for UXL and Web  T3.6.0
API for UXL and Web Services
Sertainty Services

The Sertainty Services is a collection of service extensions to the UXP technology object. The Services share metadata and setup; however, each service extension can be utilized independently.

Services can support a native API, a UXL API and a Web API, though not all API variants are available for each service.

The following service extensions are supported:

  • Agent Service   Manages the server-side Sertainty Agent. The agent is required for workflow tast execution.
  • Core Service   Manages share data for all services.
  • Data Service   Manages server-side UXP objects, identities and a UXP registry.
  • Delegate Service   Manages the UXP delegate system.
  • Utility Service   General utilities for server-side scripting.
  • Workflow Service   Manages the automated workflow system (Data Protector).

The Services architecture supports two types of data storage:

  • UXPSql A secure UXP Object is used to store all artifacts. Access is done via a SQLite engine, but is controlled by the UXP security protocols. Features:
    • All data resides in a UXP Object.
    • Easy implementation.
    • Does not require a database administrator.
    • Limited to low number of users and events.
  • MySQL The MySQL-based architecture has the same logical design as the UXPSql-based architecture, but utilizes the MySQL database to store high-volume elements. Features:
    • A UXP Object is used as the frontend to the MySQL database. All security components and server settings are stored here.
    • Volatile data such as user data, recorded data, etc are stored in a MySQL database. This permits high volume and high performance implementations.
    • Requires MySQL administration knowlege.